The Gift of Growth: Innovation & Integrity
Greetings all! I sit down to write this brimming with pride and achievement after the most impactful year in Bluprintx history. A year that marked...
Looking to improve revenue, drive greater impact or win market share? We design a unique action plan to meet your desired outcomes, evolving and augmenting the operating models and technology ecosystem you’re already accustomed to.
Our strategy development process identifies what actually matters. Get clear on immediate tactical objectives, mid-term strategic goals and long-term vision. We’ll map your current state of maturity, identify strengths and challenges, then identify the interdependent network of initiatives that, when executed in sequence and in synchronization, will increase your odds of success.
Whether you need a 360-customer view, more efficient operating models, or creative new business models, our action plans tie investment and action to desired outcomes, so you know exactly what the journey looks like.
We know the nuances and challenges that come with profit-led projects. We take the time to understand your unique business goals and current revenue trajectory, before designing your action plan to drive top-line growth. We recommend the best approach for your business, based on maturity, budget, best practice and timelines.
We build the case for business-wide investment and to your strategic action plan, and then support your journey through ROI-focused delivery, adoption and long-term growth. Click here to schedule a consultation.
Read on to learn more about growth. By design.
Prepare for shifting priorities
Frequently shifting business priorities mean the odds of success are constantly moving. They’re also diminishing, all the time. If you’re going to remain profitable and competitive, you must be agile.
As targets change, strategy needs to pivot. The starting point for this shift should focus on where you can make the biggest efficiency gains, without compromising your ability to drive growth.
Start by splitting analysis across the key business levers:
People. How are your teams structured? What resources and skill sets do you have? Where do you have multiple people doing the same job? How utilized are they at present?
Workflow. How does work get done? Where are there manual steps in the process? What bottle necks exist? What’s stopping teams and individuals doing their best work more efficiently?
Technology. Does technology help or hinder teams in their day to day? Are the tools well adopted or underutilized? What capabilities are missing that would make doing the job easier?
Data. How trustworthy is the data in your business? How easy or hard is it to access the data you need, when you need it? Do you feel the data serves you or causes more issues?
Once you’ve categorized your issues you can then start to connect relationships between them. Where does one issue impact another? If you fix one issue, can you solve another elsewhere? If you focus budget and effort in one area, how will that impact other areas? What quantifiable impact do you expect if you address a particular area?
What’s the cost of doing nothing?
Plan for action. Action your plan
It’s nailed on that doing nothing comes at a great cost. Fair and sustainable growth for your business can only come through impactful action. And taking action to deliver impact where it’s needed requires effective and efficient planning.
The scale of this task can paralyze some into inaction. Breaking it down into steps makes it much more manageable, which accelerates time to impact. For example:
Step 1 – Identify your own symptoms
Slow down to speed up. You know your business best so take time to really listen and identify the pains across the organization.
Don’t make assumptions, keep an open mind. Ask the difficult questions, analyze historical data. Truly understand where you are feeling the most pain.
At this point it’s ok to form a hypothesis of the underlying issues but don’t rush to judgement.
Step 2 – Diagnose the underlying issues
Now you’re ready to begin the real examination. You need to go deep in the areas of pain to discover the true underlying issues across your org structure, operating model, workflow, data, and technology ecosystem.
Audits, maturity assessments, deep research, and proof of concepts to test solutions are all valuable tools to help you identify the root of the problem.
Step 3 – Prescribe the course of treatment
Now you’re ready to design your action plan. This is where you will live and die by the strength of your strategy. True strategy identifies an interconnected, interdependent network of initiatives, driven by a clear set of guiding principles and coherent actions. When actioned in sequence your strategy drives you towards your objectives.
Want to go deeper into how we can design a growth action plan for your business?