The Gift of Growth: Innovation & Integrity
Greetings all! I sit down to write this brimming with pride and achievement after the most impactful year in Bluprintx history. A year that marked...
Imagine for a second, you are the CMO who has complete control over the levers of growth across your business. You have the ability to manage and optimize how you spend your budget to drive revenue. You can dial up and down how you deploy your
budget, people, technology, and data to drive sustainable growth.
Now imagine you could do that at a time when an increasing number of marketing departments face budget and headcount reductions. What would that mean for you and your business?
On the issues facing CMOs in 2023, Gartner report that rising inflation, economic uncertainty, customer demand and buying behaviours will fluctuate unpredictably. Strategic marketing priorities will become enterprise-wide priorities with complex cross-functional execution.
Further, the report points out that these shared priorities may draw funding away from marketing departments, resulting in lower performance against critical marketing goals.
In our expert report, Marketing leadership for a slowing economy: The CMO’s Action Plan for Growth, we take a look at the questions to ask – and the steps to take – to assess and overcome the issues you’re facing as a CMO today.
Download our expert report Marketing leadership for a slowing economy: The CMO’s Action Plan for Growth below.
Expert report