Key takeaways:
- You are not in control
The sooner you can accept that the customer drives buying channels and decisions, the better your revenue will be. From your mindset to your people, platforms and processes, embrace customer centricity wholeheartedly and start serving your buyers where they want to be served.
- The cost of doing nothing continually compounds
Adopting a healthy risk appetite for innovation will break down your barriers to growth. The alternative, the cost of doing nothing, is more than a one-off missed opportunity. It’s a lack of revenue that won’t show up on the balance sheet month in, month out, until you’re ready to make a change.
- Build mini-ecosystems for customer centricity
You will make the most impact by starting small, but starting strong. In Ryan’s words, “don’t try to boil the ocean”. Identify and activate high-impact mini-ecosystem opportunities around your Content Supply Chain, and then downstream toward your Personalized Journey Management and customer experiences.
- Find the right roles for people and AI
Start seeing what you can do with AI when it’s applied correctly, rather than adopting a fear mindset that obsesses over what AI might hold over human intelligence. Put people in the right roles to maximize the human skills of creativity and innovation, and let AI shoulder the critical load of iteration, optimization, data handling, and deep learning.
We exist in a moment of change. At the precipice of artificial intelligence and technological revolutions that will dramatically shift the growth landscape. It is a moment of enormous opportunity, rather than one to be feared. Businesses that embrace tools for customer centricity while restructuring their firms to maximize the use of AI and human creativity, will be best placed for radical growth.
In a masterclass session at the CMO Inspired Summit UK, Ryan Forrest, Bluprintx Global Director of Strategy & Insights, empowered an ambitious audience to adopt a risk mentality to match the scale of this opportunity.
Ryan’s session is available in-full, on-demand with Bluprintx. In just 25 minutes, Ryan will imbue you with the same energy for change and customer-centricity. Watch it now, or read on for the key insights.
The cost of doing nothing compounds
It’s easy for inertia to set in when you’re on a comfortable growth trajectory – but you could be doing so much more. It’s common to frame the cost of doing nothing as a one-off. A project not taken, or an investment not made. But it’s so much more than that. The true cost of doing nothing is the revenue that you’ll never see, month on month, from those investments. Because you weren’t ready to take a risk.
In Ryan’s words, “The cost of doing nothing compounds continually.” You can reverse this trend by seeing innovation in a new light and adopting a healthier risk appetite; especially with a proven partner on-side to put sensible guardrails in place.
Explore this topic in more detail in Ryan’s recent article, “The Compounding Cost of Caution: Why Waiting Is No Longer an Option”.
Find the right role for artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has much greater potential than a human for procedural tasks and massive data handling. Through computing power, it can analyze datasets at pace to identify trends and offer new routes to value. But this doesn’t diminish the value of your data scientists. In fact, it enhances their value by streamlining their time toward maximizing human skills – creative interpretation of insights and revenue-driving activation of next-best-actions.
This is just one example that reinforces a larger point: humans and artificial intelligence can work together. It’s not a case of one forcing out the other, or even ‘stealing jobs’. Artificial intelligence exists to service and empower human creativity, so employ it in ways that make the most of its potential.
Your Personalized Journey Management Action Plan
Your opportunity to harness customer centricity tools to increase value has never been greater.
Which means it has never been more timely to leverage expert advice to accelerate your transformation. Build loyalty and drive growth with a Bluprintx Personalized Journey Management Action Plan, built around core outcomes made bespoke to your business.